Certificate for Best Paper Award of the 8th International Conference on Culture and Computing
The award has been conferred to
Zezhou Sun (Boston University, USA),
Antonio Roda (University of Padova, Italy),
Emily Whiting (Boston University, USA),
Emanuela Faresin and Giuseppe Salemi (University of Padova, Italy)
Antonio Roda
for the paper entitled
"3D Virtual Reconstruction and Sound Simulation of an Ancient Roman Brass Musical Instrument"
Presented in the context of
HCI International 2020
19-24 July 2020
Paper Abstract
"Digital technologies based on 3D models are always more used to document archaeological remains and obtain hypothetical reconstructions when these remains are more or less heavily damaged. This work addresses the case of remains of ancient musical instruments, and in particular the case study of a brass instrument from the Roman Empire period, found in Voghenza (Italy). The pieces composing the instrument were first digitized by means of a structured light system, then virtually restored and recomposed applying a on-purpose developed algorithm. Finally, some sounds coherent with the geometry of the reconstructed model were simulated using a physically-based synthesis approach. "
The full paper is available through SpringerLink, provided that you have proper access rights.